Crayon Physics Update

Haha, this is so awesome.

On of my few gripes with Crayon Physics Deluxe was that there was a flaw in how challenging it was. It felt like there was always an elegant solution, but I didn't know if I had got it or not.

Well, Petri has just updated the game. He has added an extra star to each level, for different things.

In his words "you can now get an extra star for each level if you complete them in couple of different ways and under certain restrictions."

It looks like he has fixed what was one of the only real problems I had with the game, kudos for taking on board the constructive criticism, and doing something with it. I've not had time to play with it yet, but I can't wait to dig back into it.

You can check out my review here, and grab the demo or buy the full game here.