New Sonic Xtreme videos found

Now, you guys might not have owned a Sega Saturn, but I certainly did.

Sonic Xtreme was the game that was going to save the system. A brand new, 3D Sonic game, filled with new ideas. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be. For a range of reasons, both internal politics at Sega and technical issues, it never saw the light of day.

However, just recently, a pair of new videos of the game as it might have eventually been, have been discovered.

PC Version - "New Paths"

Saturn Version - "New Worlds"


Joe said...

I find the Fisheye effect vomit inducing, but apart from that it could have been really good.

Joe said...

The fisheye effect makes me feel ill, but apart form that it looks like it could have been the best (i.e. the only good) 3d Sonic game.

Anonymous said...

Love the idea of new bits sprouting out in various places as you go along. This looks like it could've been great if they managed to get the controls right!

Yes, it's vomit inducing, but as Mirror's Edge has proven recently, that doesn't stop a game from being successful ;)

Anonymous said...

The Saturn level looked MUCH better than the PC level IMO (although they are both WIP).