Trauma Centre: Second Opinion, Wii - £12.49

Trauma Centre: Second Opinion, Wii - £12.49 collect in store.

Reserve it here and then take this printout along, and get them to pricematch + 10% of the difference. Comes out as £12.49 by my maths.


Joe said...

nce it's another 10% off, that'd be, essentially, £1.50 off of £15, which is £13.50, surely?

Still, thanks for the tip.

LewieP said...

Nah, it's 10% of the difference off the lower price.

So PC World charge £39.99, GAME charge £14.99. The difference is £25.

£25 divided by 10 is £2.50.

£14.99 - £2.50 = £12.50