I'm going to be away for a bit - SavyGuester Hijack

I have a busy ten days ahead of me. I'm going to be stewarding at Glastonbury festival for Oxfam.

That means there is going to be some downtime for the bargains, as I won't be around to post. However, I have recruited a capable team of SavyGuesters, who will be posting some (hopefully) interesting articles for you guys to read.

I'll be back on the 30th, although I will probably be out of commission for a day or two...

SavyGuesters, Assemble!

Since I won't be here to moderate comments, unless you have a google account your comments won't get posted until I get back, but don't worry, I will go through them all soon after I do get back.

The opinions represented by the various SavyGuesters in no way represent those of SavyGamer, and should only be treated as novelty posts.