Warioware Twisted, GBA - £12.09

Warioware Twisted, GBA - £12.09 delivered

Looks like this isn't going to be getting a PAL release any time soon, stupid EU legislation...

Everything I've heard about this game make it sound like the best entry in the series, and this is a cracking price.


Anonymous said...

"stupid EU legislation..."

Oh please...wher ein the EU regulation does it say you cannot have gyro sensors (more specifically a piezoelectric gyroscope)?

Thats right it doesn't. And Wario ware Twisted certainly uses of those. The manufactureres of it say so (near the bottom):

Heck even the game says gyro sensor.

So can we stop giving NOE the excuse of Mercury which they don't deserve and face the truth. NOE knew the Gyroscope would cut into their profits so didn't even bother with the game.

Anonymous said...

hear hear

Anonymous said...

here , here . The textures for this game were rubbish anyway !