Sonic 2 HD fan remake on the way.

Update: I just noticed a bunch of traffic coming from a range of places over the internet, so this is probably a lot of peoples first time visiting SavyGamer. If you head to the homepage you'll get a good idea of what this blog typically is. I track all the best deals for video games in the UK, and update regularly. I occasionally write longer articles whenever I feel there is anything important I want to write about. Thanks, and on to the Sonic 2 HD goodness -

This right here is why bedroom development is such a good thing.

A while back, there was an artists impression of what an HD remake of the Mega Drive classic Sonic 2 would look like doing the rounds, you may have seen it -

Hot, no?

Well, a bunch of highly talented people from the 'sonic community' have decided that they want to make this artists impression a reality.

The team consists of TheSonicRetard (author of the NeedleMouse Engine, and responsible for the graphics engine of Sonic 2 HD), Tweaker (the creator of Sonic Megamix), BlazeHedgehog and Cinossu (who have already put together the remixed soundtrack), Jman2050, the lead game engine programmer and Vincent who is contributing a lot of the art.

Work so far is in early stages, but still looking incredible so far.

This will be using TheSonicRetard's NeedleMouse engine.

The engine is going to be using a colour palette system with 256 simultaneous colours on screen at once, and all the spites are going to be based on the original games colours, but with four levels of lighting.

No plans for how it's going to be distributed as of yet, they aren't looking that far ahead. They really are just doing it out of love for the game.

Sega have a history for looking at fan-made projects like this and hiring teams based on it. Really, this type of thing would sell bucketloads on the various digital distribution platforms, it would be crazy to not give these guys jobs in this humble bloggers opinion.

The end goal is to remake the entire game, and with the passion and talent shown so far, I cannot wait to see the end result.

Head to SonicRetro forums for more. Here's a bunch more WIP art -


Anonymous said...


MinorityBreeder said...

This is what they should've done when they released it on Xbox Arcade. It's looking pretty good so far. Please make it happen.

Anonymous said...

This looks great! Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

This looks awesome guys. I remember growing up with Sonic and I really can't wait to play this!

Anonymous said...

"Sega have a history for looking at fan-made projects like this and hiring teams based on it."

Uh, what? I've seriously never heard of Sega hiring teams from fan-games.

Maybe you're thinking of Valve, or something.

Anonymous said...

You guys could have at least put a link to the board where the game is actually made, instead of acting like you've found something awesome and won't tell where you got it.

Link to the board:

LewieP said...

I didn't link to it at first because the impression I got from my source (TSR) was that is was a somewhat private forum. It seems to be all over the internet now, so I guess it can't do any harm, I'll add it now.

Bill said...

This is possibly the very first time I've been interested in something because it is "HD."

Hope they keep at it.

Tizlor said...

I.. I.. I.. think I came..

Anonymous said...


Gametaku said...

Amazing. I love Sonic. I will download this when it's done, or if Sega picks it up I'll download this (bring it to Wii if you do please.)

FFBF, For Fans, By Fans. Gotta Love It.

Anonymous said...

Uhhh... I kinda noticed something...

Why is Sonic's specular highlight (the white dot on his head) moving?

IMO, the lightsource is fixed, therefore the highlight wouldn't move. But it does get blurry when turned away from the light.

It's not really a big deal but maybe you guys should fix it :D

Anyway, really really awesome work.

Can't wait to play this game.

James said...

Wow you're an idiot.

You didn't mention Vincent, the guy who actually created 90% of the art you posted.

LewieP said...

I'm sure Vincent would be happy to have his artwork out their being mentioned and appreciated, and I'm sure he doesn't do it for the kudos, but for the love of it.

Regardless, top stuff Vincent, keep up the good work and sorry for not mentioning you in the first place, I'll add you to the article now.

RAMPKORV said...


Anonymous said...

This looks great but I don't understand why fangroups post stuff like this before the game is done. Sega will likely try to shut this project down now. If the finished game was posted there would be no way to get it off the internet. That's what happened to the Chrono Trigger remake and probably lots of other projects too. Anyways, best of luck to these guys and hopefully they can finish it before Sega takes notice.

Radstronomical said...

I'm a huge fan of Sonic 2. I believe that it's without a doubt the best game in the series. I look forward to this, but I have a question.

Why add a smile on Sonic's face? This is part of what has ruined sonic and what he's become lately. Sonic isn't in this for fun or for chili dogs or to play the guitar. Sonic's friends have been imprisoned inside robots and now they're shooting at him, throwing coconuts at him, drilling into him. He's risking his life to save the world. So to me, the pixelated versions of sonic and tails still look better. He's determined, he's pissed, and he's putting himself aside to save his friends. That's what made me respect him when I was young, and that's what I want back.

Anonymous said...

These shots look amazing!

LewieP said...

@Diego Garcia

This Artwork is still a WIP, and the artist has actually said one of the changes he wants to make is to make Sonic look more serious. I had the same thought as you.

Justin Hart said...

This will be awesome if this is finished.

Unknown said...

Why add a smile on Sonic's face? This is part of what has ruined sonic and what he's become lately. Sonic isn't in this for fun or for chili dogs or to play the guitar. Sonic's friends have been imprisoned inside robots and now they're shooting at him, throwing coconuts at him, drilling into him. He's risking his life to save the world. So to me, the pixelated versions of sonic and tails still look better. He's determined, he's pissed, and he's putting himself aside to save his friends. That's what made me respect him when I was young, and that's what I want back.

I see Sonic is a totally badass warrior willing to rip out the throats of his enemies. Serious business indeed. He's like a motherfucking mercenary packing heat and going "FUCK YOU! I don't SMILE! I'm SERIOUS WARRIOR. I HAVE ANGST". This is a game about a motherfucking blue hedgehog out to kill a fat man. This shit ain't for kids fo' real.

Anonymous said...

For the love of god, please tell me you're using a vector-based format to make these sprites and are not making these sprites in Photoshop...

Anonymous said...

I'm digging it. Sega decided to screw Sonic up, so I guess it's up to the fans to save him.

Sonic 2 is awesome. Sega should've released a Sonic 2 HD for the PSN and XBLA.

Anonymous said...

About the lack of seriousness (because of the hint of smile), I think the current look is fine. No, Sonic shouldn't be some happy-go-lucky goof-off, but at the same time he isn't a blood seeking killing machine. The smile is really just there because he would look freakish without a mouth. Old pixelated Sonic didn't typically have that kind of detail (unless his mouth was opened wide as you hit spikes or something), so they're adding detail where it didn't used to be.

Sonic is meant to be fast, and fight Robotnik/Eggman; there's no need to bring EXTREME BADASSNESS into this.

Larry "Liontamer" Oji said...

Yeah, if Sega was smart, they'd pull those guys in and pay for that game, then make a boatload of cash off it from WiiWare, rather than C&D it.

Larry "Liontamer" Oji
Head Submissions Evaluator, OverClocked ReMix
Creator, VG Frequency
Staff, VGMdb

LewieP said...

Oh hey! It's Liontamer from OCR, awesome site.

Unknown said...

This looks awesome, i'd be keen to replay a decent sonic game.

Just make sure you leave in the admin menu cheat. :D

muriani said...

Amazing. The music is utterly perfect as well.
I can only hope that this comes through to completion, even if sega FUCKING HIRES YOU GUYS.

That's the thing, I've seen so may C&Ds on fanmade projects like this, when the companies really shouldn't. There's obviously a market for updated remakes of games, and if someone's doing it, LET THEM. HIRE THEM. MAKE MONEY.
I mean, you're doing it for free now, I'd pay $5 for this if they paid y'all a few thousand to do what you guys are already doing for nothing.
Keep up the good work, and I hope to $DEITY that Sega reads this.

Anonymous said...

but if we are all crazy than how does the monkey do it?

. said...

Looks nice. Hope you don't get a Cease & Desist letter!

Anonymous said...

I agree with this guy who criticized this smiling look on sonics face.
Look carefully at the pixelated face of former Sonic, and especially at Super Sonics face. Those faces show anger, nah, determination is the word...maybe coolness, no one must/can stand in his way, he must save the world, all that - ...but no arrogant smile, please. This is what killed Sonic.
"Former" sonic isn't about mtv generation, it is about old, precious values. He must indeed rescue a world turned into a prison for all those animals.

C'mon, please stay true to the original intentions sega had once...before they committed suicide in terms of honor and dignity.

Anonymous said...

Don't like the smile on Super Sonic.

Anonymous said...

this is the coolest thing Ive ever seen

Anonymous said...

Someone should do that for the first game of the Shinobi Series. I really miss Shinobi series and other SEGA Classics.
Games like Altered Beast, E-SWAT, Alexx Kidd, Fantasy Zone, Golden Axe (This one is getting back), Alienstorm, Wonder Boy...
Thanks god Afterburner, Out Run still around showing up from time to time.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Sonica said...
Nice, but, Tails's socks are blurry.

AleekzandR said...

Sonic 2 was the best!
Awesome work guys!
Keep doing this marvelous work!

Unknown said...

To all the posters commenting on Sonic not being serious enough...note how often Sonic is smiling in official art compared to how often he is frowning. He's often appeared far less serious than you guys are putting on. It's the lack of detail in the early game sprites that gives off his "serious" look.

Wael said...

Looks really promising, can't wait for this one!


Anonymous said...

I hope this actaully gets finnished. I would gladly cover remaking all the music! Im actually working on a remake project of all the music from genesis sonic. I dont mean to be a spammer, but you can check out some of my work on my myspace page. if you know how to get in contact with this guy please lead me to him!

Anonymous said...

jä fas un anu q saiu eç pôst i ayndä tä a meçmmä mërda!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!